Sunday, June 28, 2009


We made a guick trip up to Michigan to take B home to her parents...we had called home on Father's Day to talk to Grandpa G and he was not feeling very good that week, so we thought we better go see him. He is down to 114 pounds now. he told us he was thinking about going off the diet they put him on because he can't keep his weight on, back to pizza and pasta that he loves. He was so sweet the whole afternoon...he never complains about pain or how he is feeling. He just talked about things he wanted to get done around the house (improvements). Grandma was very quiet yesterday she said almost nothing the whole afternoon, but Grandpa just talked and SMILED.. he love him so much... the last thing he said to us was JUST PRAY FOR ME.....


phyllis said...

And we will pray for him--he is going though it like a trooper. I would like to get over and see them, and maybe will.

MyOhMy said...

Wow, what a sweet man. I'm glad that you had a chance to visit him again and I'm sure it was pure encouragement for him too!

Lindsey's Mom said...

Grandpa G is a VERY Sweet man. I will continue to lift my prayers for this wonderful sweet grandpa, dad, husband and friend. So glad that you were able to spend time with him this week-end. Love you - C