Thursday, November 20, 2008

A Day Off!!!!!!!!

This time of year it it very stressful at work, we just made the schedule on Tuesday
for Thanksgiving Week and for Black Friday... two of the best days for our sales in our business. Our associates are mad because they are scheduled more than 4 hours on Thanksgiving. I had so many people come in my office complaining about the hours they were scheduled. Anyway I'm glad to be off, a day away from it all. Zesa and I are going to get more lumber to build more shelves in the basement. Two weeks ago
we went and rented a big truck, bought 6 sheets of plywood,4 sheets of peg board,
20 2x4's, 10 2x6's and some 2x2's. Zesa put the shelves together in the garage, the
she and J carried them down stairs and put the legs on and finished them. They are for my 18 gallon containers. That one was a a little more than 11 feet long and held 28 containers. The peg board she put on the back side of it so we can hang brooms and such on it. They look real nice, so today we are going to get the rest of the wood to go along the other side of the wall. That one won't have peg board on the back because it will be up next to the wall. When it is finished everything will
fit so nothing is on the floor. The top shelf has extra storeage for suitcases and such. The peg board closes off the storeage area so you can't see it when you in the basement. She is so helpful around the house and it is fun to work together. We also have to do a little shopping for Thanksgiving, so we have alot to do. CCK is at her Daddy's house so we will alot more done today. A Day Off!!!!!!!!!!!! I love it