Sunday, August 30, 2009


Yesterday we had our annual Block Party in our neighborhood. This is our 3rd one since we moved here. We go the the police department and get permission to block the street on both ends. The parks department provides the picnic tables, then everyone brings a dish to share, there is a $5.00 charge for each person that goes towards the chicken, paper plates, cups etc.... We set the picnic tables in the middle of the street, set up games such as bags, horse shoes, the kids have a big blow up that they can jump in, music is playing on speakers that one of the older gentleman had running from his house. This year it was music from the 40's... sometimes some of the teenager boys will bring out their guitars and play country music and sing. WE had some people bring their firepits and the kids roasted marshmellows after dark. The food is always good, in fact when the invites goes out, if you have made something in the past that everyone likes, they tell you that you can't come unless you make that dish..LOL... The older ladies that have lived in the neighbborhood since the first house was built in 1960 sit around and gossip about things that have happened in the neighorhood in the past, or sometimes about the the present too. They are busy bodies and they know everything that is going on.... but they mean well. We feel really safe here.. because they do watch everything. The police would be here in a moment while we are away, because they are so watchful. We had a really good time after a very stessful week. It's always good to meet the new people in the neighborhood, I love living on this street, everyone is so welcoming and make you feel like family.