Sunday, March 08, 2009

Happy Birthday Mom, Hope your feeling better!!

This picture was taken last summer when we went home for a graduation open house for my husbands great nephew... The G Family was all there so they decided to take an informal family picture (if you click on the picture you can get a better view of her)..... My Mother in law is sitting in the middle in the white lawn chair. Yesterday was her 75th Birthday, and she really did'nt have a good Day!!!! She was'nt feeling very good, then past out, so Grandpa G rushed her to the hospital, they had to admit her so they could run some tests. They said her blood pressure was high, but still needed to run more tests. M came to this country over 57 years ago when she married my father in law. Together they had 7 children, 2 daughters and then 5 boys... she was only a teen-ager at the time, away from her family and unable to speak English.. Her mother died when she was only 18 months after giving birth to her younger brother. She was raised by her grandmother Christina, They grew up on a ranch..but life was'nt always easy for a young girl in Mexico they had to work very had on the ranch. After her children were born she started working in the pickle fields in Michigan for Farmers for very little money.
Later on she went to work for Daily's Pickle factory until they closed years later.
She is a very good cook, when we walk into the house you can always smell tortilla's cooking or some sort of Mexican food cooking on the stove. She is probably one of the Hardest working women I know. She never sits down, her house is always neat a pin, drawers very organized, pictures of her family framed, and out on display for everyone to see. She loves her husband G and takes very good care of him, but right now he is worried about her. Not really a fun way to spend your Birthday, so I hope you get better!!!!!!!!! She has always been very good to me, I feel honored that I was the first daughter in law and that I can talk to her about anything. I love You ...Happy 75th Birthday...