Sunday, April 04, 2010

Happy Easter!!!!!

Happy Easter everyone!!!!!!!! Just remembering a couple of things from when I was a child... we always got new easter dresses.. one time Grandma D even got Connie & I Spring coats to wear... the boys got suits and hats to wear.. I thought I had a picture of that , but I don't. We always went to church, then had a big Ham dinner afterwards. I also remember , we would go to a Good Friday Service on Friday... all the stores would close for two hours in Midland so people could go to their church for Good Friday Service.. Lots of good memories... If you have been to my house or watched my BLOG at all you know I love to decorate my house for the holidays... and now that I have a nice yard I love to decorate outside.... We all know it's not about Easter baskets, decorating and Good Easter Ham.. It's about his death and that he rose from the grave ... FOR US... We are so busy sometimes at work and at play getting ready... but we need to stop for a minute and remember what he did for us...

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