Sunday, November 02, 2008

A Gorgeous Fall day

It's been a good day, I got up real early and put the 2nd coat of paint on the stair steps, while that was drying I did some touch up painting. After the steps dried I put on saftey strips on the steps so no one would slip. J and I went out for breakfast, Zesa and KCK went to Ta's last night to spend the night. After breakfast
we took a drive to East Chicago to a Mexican bakery and bought some sweet bread. I put my Fall decorations up and put the Halloween away. I need to finish some laundry
then we are going to Ta's for dinner at 5:00. I feel like I never get done with things around the house. Just glad I'm able to give a whirl each and every day. I should be outside!!!!!!!!!


Lindsey's Mom said...

L - I'm glad you get to give it a whirl each and every day too!!! Glad your basement is back in shape and you won't have all the extras to do.... Enjoy the fall - I know this is a busy time at work for you until after the holiday. Love you - C

Keeker said...

Thanks for sharing your good day it helps me feel closer to you. I love it when I start the day out with breakfast with my husband it somehow makes the day seem sweeter.
love ya