In my family we are proud of the fact that many men in our Family have served. Not only several Uncles, but my Husbands Father served twice. once in the air force and then in the Army in World War II. I have 2 brother in laws on his side and also two nephews, that were in at different times. On my side my father served in the Korean War, and also my husbands step father did. My husband went to Vietnam at the end of the War when he was only 18 years old. Last of all my daughter Zesa just got out of the Marine Corp. I am very proud of each and every family member for the freedom they have given us to make choices, and to worship as we please, the freedom to live!!!! God Bless each one for time they SERVED for our freedom. THANK YOU WE HONOR YOU!!!!!!!
Thank you - Thank you - Thank you -We are honoring and remembering you today!!!!
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