This is my Mom, she is 70 years old today... she is the mother of seven children, she married my Dad 52 years ago, she was a stay at home Mom for most of my childhood, she is a great cook... you can't come into her house with out her offering to feed you. She loves to read and loves her flower beds. She is still friends with the girls she went to grade school and High School with, I think that is amazing. She still lives on the same property that she grew up on. She has been through alot this past year caring for my dad and his illness and for the first time in her life she is on her own, as Dad is no longer with us. I'm sure a big change for her. She took very good care of Dad while he was ill, and I'm sure she is still catching up on the sleep she lost as it has only been 4 weeks. Here's to you Mom, for all you are to all seven of us...Hope you have a very Happy 70th Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!
What's better than getting creative?
10 years ago